Author: Willem Pirquin
Burgers Betrekken
“Engaging Citizens”. A guide for local governments with tips and tricks for civic participation by Avansa Kempen.
Greeting Cards for Every Occasion
Who needs birthday cards, condolence cards, house warming cards, babyshower cards when you can have post cards for every occasion?
A database of tips and tricks to improve evaluations and feedback in secondary schools.
Iedereen Speelt
“Everybody Plays”. A Set of illustrations for the Toy Museum of Mechelen.
Loslopend kind
Kids on the loose! What can governments do to make evironments more child-friendly?
What problems can be solved with artificial intelligence?
Educational packages by VRT NWS
Overijse Public Library
A set of illustrations to get you reading
A set of risoprint posters to celebrate diversity in cycling culture.
Het Palliatief Debat
‘The Palliative Debate’
For questions about violence
Geel en Rood
Yellow and Red, the colors of KV Mechelen
An ever growing collection of illustrations